Introducing our “Sweet Unique”, round flower bouquet in a wrapping paper with garden roses white O’Hara, that is perfect for the most beautiful occasions. This bright and vibrant bouquet features stunning garden roses, ranunculus, hydrangeas and delicate stock, creating an elegant and romantic feel. Each stem has been carefully selected and arranged by our expert florists to create a truly unforgettable gift. Whether you're celebrating an anniversary, birthday, or simply want to show your love, our Pink Expression Bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression.
Bouquet in stylish wrapping paper, without a vase.
Bouquet of 18-20 stems
Please Note: The pictured bouquet reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we can change the stems to get the freshest possible bouquet, and sometimes we may need to use a different container.
Round bouquet “Sweet unique”
Product Info
Depending on the availability of components and the seasonality of flowers, the company reserves the right to change the components and appearance of the product by 35-40% while preserving the general appearance and cost of these components.