This bouquet will be created by our designer in a unique signature style.
Each bouquet is made from the freshest flowers. Bouquets are completely unique, because in nature each flower is unique, which means you can be sure that only you will receive such a bouquet!
The photo gallery shows options for possible bouquets.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that our bouquets are designer's choice, but based on your wishes.When ordering, please, indicate which flowers you like and please choose the color scheme.
The Simple collection includes laconic medium-sized and bright flower arrangements.
Bouquet in stylish wrapping paper is suitable for any occasion.
Creative Bouquet S
Product Info
Please Note: Designer's choice means that designers will choose seasonal flowers of their choice to complete a design in the price range you pick. No specific flower is guaranteed. Large size arrangements will include exotic flowers, luxury decoration elements.